Contact Me

Louise Towl, BSc (Hons), MCSP, PG Dip Vet phys

Chartered Physiotherapist And Veterinary Physiotherapist

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Louise Towl Physio
Ivy Cottage,
South Zeal,
EX20 2LB
Tel: 01837 849 154
Mobile: 07779 663 989

Available by phone from 08:30 to 20:00 Please note that if you ring at a weekend I may not contact you until Sunday evening or Monday due to my other commitments.

Please be aware that it is not possible to give more than very limited advice accurately over the phone without having seen a case. Mistakes can be made due to a lack of appropriate assessment. If a case is known to me already, then telephone contact may be a recommended course of action, but if the situation has changed since the last visit, another may be necessary to reassess.

If you are not sure that physiotherapy is the right choice for your situation then it is still worth getting in touch, as I may be able to point you in the right direction for a more suitable treatment.

In accordance with the Veterinary Act 1966, veterinary consent must be obtained prior to any therapist seeing your animal.


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